Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Beauty of Buenos Aires

So, for those who may not know I am a US citizen living with my Argentine husband in Buenos Aires. And what can I say about Buenos Aires, there is a timeless beauty which envelopes everything and yet it also captures the heart of the modern Argentine.

It is a mixture of classic and modern architecture with masses of coffee shops and theaters as well as the occasional couple dancing tango in the street. If you ever get a chance to visit Buenos Aires, take it. 

I think I am going to make more videos about what its like to live in Buenos Aires. What do you guys think? What would you like to know or see in this beautiful city?


  1. Very nice. I would love to see videos like this -- a great glimpse of a beautiful place.

    1. There are more to come so if you are interested please subscribe :)

  2. Anything and everything about Buenos Aires is worth seeing!

    1. Im glad you like buenos aires as much as I do :D
